I have been away too long and missed too many funny things but something happened this afternoon that I must tell you about.
G and I are sitting on a bench at daycare and he points to the fire alarm (the pull kind).
G: That make loud noise.
M: You never EVER touch that unless there is a fire.
G: Gretchen touch that make loud noise.
M: Oh no. Well, you never never touch that to play.
G smirks at me and inches toward the alarm
At that EXACT moment (I swear!) we hear a siren close by
M: Oh no! They must be coming to see if you touched the alarm!
G jumps away from the alarm
G: I no touch it!
The ambulance turns onto the street and pulls up to the house across the way and over a little
G and I walk outside and talk about ambulances
Another LOUD siren sounds and a few seconds later a fire truck pulls onto the street
M: Uh-oh...here comes the fire truck - I hope they don't think you touched the alarm!
G tries to climb up my leg, screams I NO TOUCH IT! and starts to cry hysterically
Here and only here is the point where I start to feel bad. Although I also still think it's funny if I'm being completely honest.
So I tell him they know he didn't pull it and they are good guys anyway and they help people like in
Dot the Fire Dog and so on. He relaxes and no harm is done. Right? Right?