Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This is the Way We Sing a Song...

Me: Rain, rain, go away...
G: Why raining? Where rain come from? Why not raining in garage? Why sun not out?
M: ...come again another day...
G: Why? Why Mommy? Where rain go? Why nother day? Whatchu trying doing say to me, Mommy?
M: ...little Greyson wants to play...
G: Huh? Huh, Mommy? I no little Greyson, I'm G! I'm me! I want to watch oooone Dora! It's dark! Can't see my books! Why raining? Why? Why? Where rain come from?

and so on and so on and so on...


Melissa said...

Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Mama?

I love it.

iMother2.0 said...

I can SOOOO picture this.

Anonymous said...

ddv l pct f, xxx. ldu x, zfq qeouyg! oqnr n rlm dm.