Sunday, June 22, 2008

Busy Week

This past week Greyson has been home with me all week and we had a very busy one!
Monday we went to a park playdate with Greyson's friends. G spent the whole time eating, as usual.
Tuesday we went to a free children's movie and saw the worst movie ever - Doogal. I really do usually like children's movies, and this one had tons of famous people as voices, but I am telling you it was absolutely terrible. Greyson watched it quietly enough, but I could feel my brain cells being sucked out through my pores. We went to swim lessons in the afternoon and G stayed under water for a count of one-one thousand. More scary for me than him, I think.
Wednesday we attempted to go to the Wednesday Art Park with the Austin Symphony. We decided to take public transportation to save gas money. Although it took us 90 minutes to get downtown, Greyson did pretty well. He was VERY excited to be on the bus. We walked out in the scorching heat (turned out to be 103!) and by the time we got there the music was over. We joined some friends for lunch downtown and then navigated the bus system back home. It was not as fun on the way home at all. It wasn't that he's just that he talked REALLY loud! Then he started karate chopping me and saying, "Hi-ya!" for half an hour. Sigh. Not doing that again anytime soon.
Thursday I went to see David Sedaris at Bookpeople and Daddy spent the day with G. After we did storytime at Central Market(dinosaurs!), G and Tim spent the day hanging out. They went to the comic shop, and Tim took G to swimming lessons (under duress).
Friday we went to a cool new park and Greyson ate all the food that was there for 6-8 children. I ended up having to chase him away from the table over and over. We ended the night back at Central Market for dinner with friends and a Djembabes concert. Pictures from that will follow soon.
Then came chill out day Saturday and a fun afternoon Sunday. We went to Greyson's friend Ben's house and celebrated his mom Bonnie's birthday. All the kiddos got naked and played in the pool. Pictures to follow from that, too - if mommy ever gets on the ball!
We had an awesome week, but I got NO work done and G missed his school friends, so I think we'll both be happy to get him back to school a couple of days next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Mel and Tim
Nena and I are able to view the chronicles when ever we are able to pull them up, Thank You So Much
We love them, Keep it up